
On January 18, Arkansas Teach Plus Policy Fellows, including Alisa Kindsfater a teacher at Mt. Vernon-Enola High School, met for a one-day Mid-Year Retreat designed to equip them with the skills to engage in effective advocacy for Arkansas students. Fellows worked to deepen their understanding of the legislative process and to collaborate on their ongoing policy work. The day included a bipartisan panel of legislators who shared insights on policymaking and education advocacy. 

These initiatives culminated in their participation in Capitol Day on February 10, where Ms. Kindsfater and her colleagues took their research and policy recommendations directly to lawmakers. Throughout the day, they attended committee meetings and observed a general session of the Arkansas House of Representatives, gaining first-hand insight into the legislative process in action. Fellows also engaged in one-on-one and small-group meetings with legislators, presenting their findings and advocating for policies aimed at improving early childhood literacy, expanding school-based mental health resources, strengthening teacher recruitment and retention, and addressing chronic absenteeism. Through these discussions, they worked to build relationships with policymakers and contribute to meaningful dialogue on advancing student achievement and well-being across Arkansas.
