Mt. Vernon-Enola
Career and Technical Education

Advisor: Seth Taylor
"It's hard for me to pick a favorite. If I had to pick just one, it would have to be my Advanced Ag Mechanics(CNC) class. It always amazes me to see students grow from the beginning of the year to the end. I also enjoy that class because it takes several other aspects that are learned in other classes and gives them a practical spin. Seeing a student that may struggle in another class then be successful in mine due to them realizing the practicality of what they have learned has always been a joy of mine. But as stated earlier, that is what I truly enjoy in all of my classes. This class just seems to stand out in that aspect." Seth Taylor

Advisor: Karlie Crawford
"My favorite class to teach is Accounting. It's using math but not hard math. The feeling when you get to the end of a balance sheet, and your debits equal your credits, literally makes me so excited and happy. To me, accounting is so fun and stress-relieving. Also, I have former students every year come back and tell me how helpful my class was now that they are in an introductory accounting class (which MANY majors have to take). It feels good knowing what I'm teaching these kids now will be very beneficial to them in the future!” Karlie Crawford

Computer Science
Advisor: Misty Young
“My favorite class to teach this year has been Child Growth and Development. I feel like the students have learned a lot, had great discussions and will definitely use the information they have learned in their professional and personal lives after they get out of school.” Misty Young

Computer Science
Advisor: Ashley Bonds
“My favorite class is FACS because it highlights all of the different courses students can take in my department. The students favorite is a toss up between Child Development and Food Safety. They love the sugar babies in Child Development and the food truck project in Food Safety.” Ashley Bonds

Animal Systems - H2
Intro to Agriculture
Animal Science I
Animal Science II
Powers/Structures - H2
Intro to Agriculture
Agricultural Mechanics and Fabrication
Ag Fabrication: Metals
Management - H2
Survey of Business
Management I
Management II
Computer Science
Information Technology & Security- H2
Intro to Computer Science
Information Technology & Security
Software Development - H2
Intro to Computer Science
Software Development
Game Development Design
Family and Consumer Science
Nutrition Science
Food Safety
Nutrition I
Nutrition II
Intro to Business
Entrepreneurship I
Entrepreneurship II
Pre-Educator - H2
Intro to Education
Education Technology
Child Growth & Development
Other Off-Campus and Virtual Options
Residential Construction
Intro to Construction
Residential Construction
Construction Management
Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Systems
Intro to Construction
Criminal Justice
Intro to Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice I
Criminal Justice II
Sports Medicine
Intro to Healthcare
Anatomy and Physiology
Sports Medical Injury Assessment
Healthcare Services
Intro to Healthcare
Anatomy and Physiology
Medical Professionals
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Career and Technical Education
To prepare students for future college and career success.
To be the model for career and technical education.
Career Readiness
(Core Value #1)
Deliver high-quality, cutting-edge CTE programs and services to equip Arkansas students with the most competitive skills for future success.
Customer Service
(Core Value #2)
Provide exemplary customer service through shared responsibility and communication, focusing on exceptional customer satisfaction.
Productivity and Efficiency
(Core Value #3)
Align services, optimize processes, and empower people to deliver high-quality service and support.